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In this video we discuss worldbuilding domesticated animals, looking at the introduction of mounts, livestock, and how you can design your own version of man’s best friend.
In this video we discuss worldbuilding militaries, the different forces that are established within societies, and why warriors with clubs never actually went to war.
In this video we discuss worldbuilding governments, how and why different types are established, and how a state expands to form an empire.
In this video we discuss worldbuilding trade and currency, looking at the evolution of trade over time, as well as why the concept of money is an inevitable invention for every civilization.
In this video we discuss worldbuilding metals, where they’re found, how they’re mined, as well as the roles that different metals play in worldbuilding cultures and civilisations.
In this video we discuss worldbuilding religions, looking at the fundamentals of what makes a religion, the different types of religious practices and orders, and how to implement them into your worldbuilding projects.
In this video we discuss worldbuilding magic, looking at the types of magic systems that work for different worlds, and how you can implement a magic system of your own into your worldbuilding projects.
In this video we discuss worldbuilding writing systems for your conlangs, giving your fantasy races unique scripts with rich flavour to make them more interesting.
In this video we discuss worldbuilding prehistoric cultures, looking at how intelligent species go from building fires and using axes, to settling down and developing civilisations of their own.
In this video we discuss designing fictional languages for worldbuilding projects, and how creating an entire language doesn’t have to be a daunting task with some simple steps.
In this video we discuss fantasy races, their expected traits, how they evolve, and what the most important factor is for turning their intelligence into civilisations of their own.
In this video we discuss worldbuilding polar ice caps, ice ages, and which flora and fauna are able to survive within the subzero climate zones.
In this video we discuss worldbuilding Subarctic climates, their geography and ecosystems, and looking at how plants and animals here have adapted to the harsh cold weather.
In this video we discuss worldbuilding Oceanic climates, their geography and ecosystems, and reminding ourselves of an iconic Oceanic location that everyone forgets to put on the map.
In this video we discuss worldbuilding Mediterranean climates and fertile crescents, where they’re found, their flora and fauna, and most importantly, why they’re integral for developing civilisations.
In this video we discuss worldbuilding subtropical climate zones, where they’re found, what they’re like, and the flora and fauna that can be found within them.
In this video we discuss how to worldbuild desert climates, where desert climates can be found across an earth-like planet, as well as looking at some iconic desert flora and fauna on earth, and how to create some of your own.
In this video we discuss worldbuilding the warm horizon-stretching savannas, where savannas can be found across an earth-like planet, and how to create the unique flora and migratory herds that can be found within their ecosystems.
In this video we discuss whether a so called ‘jungle planet’ like Kashyyyk could be out there in the universe, and if so, how to worldbuild a planet like it for yourself.
In this video we discuss worldbuilding tropical rainforests, where rainforests can be found across an earth-like planet, and how to create some interesting flora and fauna to populate their ecosystems.
In this video we discuss how to worldbuild a tree of life, looking at the origins of life, how life begins, how life forms are classified, and creating some of our own organisms that we’ll be using moving forward.
In this video we discuss how to make a working map for your worldbuilding project, creating plate tectonics, wind zones, and ocean currents, turning your planet from a floating rock in space into a habitable world with continents and climates.
In this video we discuss the creation of planets within a solar system, establishing their orbits, determining habitable zones, and looking at why Jupiter is the guardian of our solar system.
In this video we’ll discuss the creation of stars, determining which stars are best suited for worldbuilding life-bearing planets, as well as why stars are more likely to predict life than the planets life lives on.
In this video we discuss worldbuilding habitable planets, what makes them habitable in the first place, and why an atmosphere of sulfuric acid is probably not suitable for life.
In this video we discuss worldbuilding universes and galaxies, giving you the phenomenal cosmic power to worldbuild your own itty-bitty living space.
In this video we discuss worldbuilding the elements and chemical compounds of the universe, discussing why you shouldn’t mess with chemistry and looking at ways that you can do it anyway.
In this video we discuss worldbuilding the rules of the universe for your fictional world and why saying gravity is ‘just a theory’ doesn’t mean you can ignore it.
In this video we discuss how to establish a worldbuilding concept, how to set goals for the worldbuilding process, as well as why setting those concepts and goals is important to begin with.