About Me
Hey everyone! My name is Matthew, at least that’s the name that I was given at birth.
I am a passionate worldbuilder and have been constructing fantasy worlds since I was a child. What started with drawing maps and building villages expanded into creating entire planes of existence for tabletop roleplaying games and fictional settings for novels.
I have played tabletop roleplaying games for over a decade, almost always as the DM for a multitude of groups. I am lucky to have friends who want to play consistently, and currently play Dungeons & Dragons weekly. I even designed my own tabletop rpg at one point!
I am an Australian that laments the distance to the rest of the world, because I love travelling to experience the different cultures humanity has to offer. I draw a lot of my inspiration from the real-world, and am consistently awed by how amazing our planet is. I have had the privilege of experiencing many breath-taking phenomena such as the aurora borealis in Norway, cherry blossom season in Japan, snow in NYC, along with many other cultural experiences from beautiful countries, and hope to expand my own experiences to continue to draw inspiration from. The only continent I have not set foot on is Antarctica, which I hope to change one day!
I am a practicing Psychologist and I find people fascinating, which contributes to my love of learning about cultures and societies.
In my spare time I love going adventuring with my wife, and one of my favourite activities is stargazing; we are very lucky in Australia to have such clear skies, and with a telescope the views are spectacular. I am lucky to live in a very green area with lots of wildlife, and it is not uncommon to get kangaroos, rabbits, foxes, wild cats, and many birds in my backyard.
My wife and I have a single pet cat, and though she has a name, we almost always just call her Smolcat, because even though she is fully grown, she is not much larger than a kitten.
My hope moving forward is that I am able present to the world my own contribution to the magic of worldbuilding. Worldbuilding is a culmination of many art forms, and I love learning more about everything as I worldbuild, from physics and chemistry, to sociology and music. I hope that everyone who views my works feels the same awe that I do as I go along the worldbuilding process!
- Matthew
“The possible we can achieve right now. The impossible will just take a little longer.”
— Dad, R.I.P.